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Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel located in Kilkenny City Centre

Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel has Kilkenny's attractions, shops & nightlife at our doorstep

Kilkenny is situated in the South East of Ireland, a hub of Ireland's Ancient East and with motorway to take you to the outskirts of the City, it couldn’t be easier to get here – only a 90 minute drive from Dublin.  You’ll find the 4 star Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel situated right in the heart of this medieval City with Kilkenny Castle just a few minutes’ stroll away and the City’s key attractions on your doorstep. KIlkenny Ormonde Hotel also offers car parking facilities to our guests in the nearby Ormonde Street Car Park. 

And what a City…. Kilkenny seems to find the perfect balance between ancient history and 21st century cosmopolitanism. Built on the banks of the beautiful River Nore, it’s home to the iconic Kilkenny Castle and boasts some of Ireland’s best medieval heritage along the Medieval Mile but it’s also got cute cafés, tempting boutiques and craft studios alongside the vibrant urban buzz of chic restaurants bars and theatres. Add to this the scattering of picture-perfect towns and villages strung about the River Nore as it flows out of the City and one minute you’re strolling and soaking up the buzz of the city, the next, you’re biking, hiking or driving; exploring the rolling countryside of the county.

 Directions from Dublin (via M9) for our Kilkenny Hotel Location

From M9 motorway, take exit 8 for Kilkenny City. On approach to Kilkenny city centre, take first exit at roundabout. Continue straight ahead (you are now on Kilkenny’s Ring Road). At the next roundabout (Dublin Road Roundabout) take your second exit continuing straight. At the next roundabout (Bennetsbridge Road Roundabout) take third exit and continue down the hill (Texaco filling station on your left) and continue straight for approx 1km. You will pass Kilkenny Castle on your right hand side. At the traffic lights, turn left (onto Patrick Street) and then take immediate first right (Hibernian Hotel on the corner is your marker). The Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel is a very short distance ahead on your left with secure multi-storey car parking directly opposite on your right. Welcome to Kilkenny!

Directions from Waterford (via M9)

On approach to Kilkenny city take your second exit (at Waterford Road Roundabout) to continue straight ahead. Continue for 0.5km down the hill and at next mini roundabout, take first exit to continue straight. Drive straight ahead for 0.5km and you will be on Patrick Street. Just at the bottom of Patrick Street take a left turn (Hibernian Hotel on the corner is your marker). Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel is just ahead on your left with secure multi-storey car parking directly on your right. Welcome to Kilkenny!

Directions from Cork (via N8 and N76 from Clonmel)

On approach to Kilkenny city from the Callan Road, take first exit at Callan Road Roundabout (this is the start of Kilkenny’s Ring Road). Continue straight ahead and straight through mini roundabout shortly afterwards. Continue straight for 1km until you reach traffic lights at main 4-crossing junction. St Kieran’s College is on your left and St. Patrick’s Church is on your right. Continue straight through lights and at next T-junction take left turn. You are now on Patrick Street. A short distance down Patrick Street take the left turn just before next traffic lights (Hibernian Hotel is your marker on the corner). Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel is just ahead on your left with secure multi-storey car parking on your right. Welcome to Kilkenny!

Directions from Limerick (Via R693 from Freshford)

On approach to Kilkenny city from the Freshford Road, pass St. Lukes Regional Hospital on left hand side and approach small roundabout. Take third exit on roundabout (turning right) and continue straight for approximately 0.5km until you reach another small roundabout. Take second exit at this roundabout and continue straight until you reach another larger roundabout (St. Canice’s church is on your left hand side). Take the second exit at this roundabout and then an immediate left. Continue straight up hill, until you reach a T junciton. Take a left at this junction, then an immediate right. Continue straight until you reach a left turn (at a pedestrian crossing). Continue straight for approximately 100m until you see an archway on left hand side. Go under this archway. Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel is just ahead on your right hand side with secure multi-storey car parking on your left. Welcome to Kilkenny!

Rail and Bus Information

Kilkenny MacDonagh Station is just a 2 minute taxi journey to the hotel. Trains to Kilkenny are on the Dublin-Waterford line and travel time is 1hr 40 minutes from Dublin Heuston Station.

JJ Kavanagh & Sons offers 7 services daily to and from Dublin City and Airport with a stop at Ormonde Road, a 4 minute walk from the 4 Star Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel.Taxi services are always at hand at the station. For travel information visit www.irishrail.ie and www.jjkavanagh.ie 

TFI Local Link Carlow Kilkenny Wicklow operates extensive bus services throughout County Kilkenny, linking urban and rural areas. Route 897 - Kilkenny to Athy offers multiple daily services, including an evening option, while Route 891 - Kilkenny to Fiddown provides frequent connections to villages such as Danesfort, Stoneyford, Kells, and Piltown. For more information and the timetable, please visit www.locallinkckw.ie


For more info on getting to The Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel, visit our FAQ section now.